How We Make Electricity From Coal

There are many ways of making electricity, which most electricians will tell you. A lot of electricity is made using renewable sources of energy these days. Scientists have found ways of using the sun, wind and water to make electricity. There are still a lot of power stations that turn fossil fuels into electricity though. Coal is one example of a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are substances that are made over a process of thousands of years – decaying plants and animals are compressed under layer upon layer of debris, until the pressure turns them into hard, dark coal. Fossil fuels are ‘non renewable‘ because it takes thousands of years to make coal, but when we dig it up we destroy it quicker than it is being made.

Coal is turned into electricity by burning it. The coal produces heat when we burn it, and that heat is used to boil water, making steam. The steam rises, and is used to spin turbines, which are connected to generators. It is the generator that makes the electricity by spinning a magnet, which causes electrons to move around in a tightly coiled wire. Electrons can be either positive or negative, and when the magnetic field moves, the electrons will tend to follow it depending on whether they are positive or negative themselves.

This is similar to how wind turbines work �” the wind makes the turbine move, and the turbine spins the generator. The difference with coal based power is that with wind power, we have to wait for the wind to be strong enough to move the turbine. Coal can be turned into power at any time, as long as we have a supply of coal to burn.

Coal is in limited supply, however, and burning coal produces smoke and pollution. The governments of the world have agreed to try to limit the amount of carbon dioxide that each country produces, because they are worried that carbon dioxide is contributing to something called global warming. Burning coal produces a lot of carbon dioxide, so most countries are looking for alternatives to coal based electricity generation. Solar power is a clean and easy way of generating some electricity, and hydro-electric power is an option in countries with a lot of rivers. Nuclear power is something that many countries are exploring as well, although there are some people who do not like the idea of nuclear power, because of the safety issues that were highlighted when there was a disaster at a nuclear reactor in Japan. For more information you can visit Electrician Clifton Hill facebook page or alternatively you can visit there website

How Does Coal Produce Electricity?

The modern era of civilization relies on a number of technological inventions for society’s comfort, productivity, security, and stability. The Internet is certainly one of them, as are telephones, cars, radios, television, and the printing press. The biggest of all, though, might be electricity.

You likely don’t even notice or think about electricity except when it’s gone. The rest of the time, you can turn on lights when needed, run your heating or air conditioning, vacuum your floors, play a video game, or just charge up your phone.

Local and regional utilities produce that electricity in a number of ways. Nuclear power accounts for some of this generation, as do solar panels and farms. Natural gas is sometimes burned for power, and in some areas, geographic features like geothermal power or hydropower are possible, respectively harnessing the power of the Earth’s interior heat or moving water.

The rest of the nation’s electricity is generated by coal which adds a large demand for electricians . Do you ever wonder just how does coal produce electricity? Every coal-fired plant has its own design and set up, but there are general principles that hold true to most of them.

Coal is put in a massive chamber, where it is ignited. As it burns, it heats up water flowing nearby in pipes. The heat is absorbed by the water, which turns into high-pressure steam. This steam is used to propel turbines into spinning at high speeds, turning huge magnets they are attached to. These are what produce the electric current that is sent out to the homes and businesses of the region the plant services.

Coal is efficient and effective as a source of electricity, so an advantage is that it’s very cheap. Another benefit is the fact that the nation has tremendous domestic resources of coal that can be mined and burned. This provides economic stability, which does not always happen in the petroleum and oil markets, given that political instability in oil-drilling regions like the Middle East, Nigeria, or Venezuela can drive up the price of a barrel quickly.

There are downsides to coal. The industry has peaked, it would seem, as there is growing emphasis on green and renewable sources of power, or at least cleaner ones. The falling price and wide availability of natural gas have also cut into the sector. Coal also comes with an environmental price, as the coal ash must be disposed of somewhere, the reaction puts pollutants and particulates into the air, and even thermal pollution happens from the water heated up.

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